Splashy Dots is another game located within the brain teaser genre. This game like many others is all about finding just the right way to solve the puzzle and progress to the next level. This game is styled after an art gallery and features a relaxing soundtrack. As you finish puzzles they will turn into abstract paintings in the virtual gallery. Splashy Dots will even give you the ability to look at your finished paintings even after you progress onward.

The gameplay is simple for this game, you start at one point and must find your way to the end to win. The way you go about this is by starting at the ink splat, from there you must connect the dots and get to the empty circle last. This means that you must paint over every dot before you can feel in the empty circle and win. In a way, it’s pretty much a game of connect the dots without numbers to guide you through the activity. The trick comes in as you figured out you can only move up, down, and from side to side. This means you can’t go in diagonal directions to try and solve the puzzle. On top of that you can only link each dot once and you can’t skip around. If you swipe to a dot and there’s one before it the game will count that as painted.

The difficulty of Splashy Dots was a little surprising. You will start out in a tutorial that explains the base rules to you. Afterwards, you will be able to pick from a list of difficulties that start with easy and go to expert. Take my advice and do not pick easy, when I stayed on easy mode the puzzles were laughably unchallenging and I couldn’t even see most young children having issues with solving them. I went through about 50 easy challenges but, at the end of it all I chose to put myself on expert to really give myself a challenge. Overall, this game won’t make you go into a fit of rage as it’s pretty laid back even on higher difficulties. The game does give you hints as you beat levels and you can easily stock up by playing on lower difficulties, there is also a purchase option for additional hints in the main menu.

The game is worth a play and will keep you busy if you just need something to fiddle with while waiting on an appointment. The overall ambiance is nice and there’s no time counters to make you feel rushed as you solve each puzzle. On top of that it does give you a nice sense of accomplishment when you beat a harder level and is free on the app store. Be sure to log in each day to claim your free daily hint!